As a supreme Goddess, I have been ruling over men both in person and in the virtual world. When Second Life universe first launched, I knew the possibilities were endless for a virtual world where beautiful women would take control of men and also take control of their virtual currency. Do you have an adventurous character on Second Life? Do you rush home from work to leave the drudgery of reality behind to play in your exciting fantasy realm on Second Life? Let me take control of your virtual fantasy and guide you into my perfect realm.
The possibilities are endless here, too. Just tell me your fantasy and I, Miss Kay, will make it come true. As you know, a fulfilled fantasy is very intense. That’s the beauty of what phone sex with me, Miss Kay, can satisfy for you. I’m here in my realm waiting for your phone sex call and to take control of you, tempt you, guide you to a powerful orgasm. And yes, I will take your virtual currency through Niteflirt.
I can also enhance your orgasm and virtual world experience with a custom mp3 recorded just for you. My custom mp3 rates are available by request, email me at I also have pre-recorded mp3s or as I like to call my mp3s, ear porn, for your listening pleasure. So if you want an intense aural experience whenever you’re in the mood, phone sex with me or listening to one of my mp3s will make you virtually mine.