I like to take little sissies and turn them into sissy bimbos, completely brainwashed, weak and mindless. A brainwashed sissy will also forget she was ever a man, that is, if she ever was a man before she discovered her true sissy self. Brainwashed sissies are like robo-sissies who do what I, Miss Kay, command. Robo-sissies never disobey or question any sissy assignments or sissy training, no matter how humiliating and no matter if the assignments and training are in public… or in private. A brainwashed robo-sissy is always obedient and eager to serve her Mistress!

You are probably wondering how do I accomplish this sissy brainwashing? Well, I can’t give away all of my secrets, but I am a HypnoDomme who practices hypnosis and brainwashing. Gender reprogramming is part of my plan to turn you into a sissy girlie. After I perform several brainwashing sessions, you will forget your manly self ever existed. You will feel so much more feminine and girlie. Your mind will be deprogrammed as a male and reprogrammed as the mind of a helpless bimbette.
Feeling weaker already just reading about what will happen to you, little sissy, when you call me on Niteflirt and beg to be brainwashed into a sissy bimbo? You should be. There is no going back once you undergo this type of brainwashing and reprogramming. It is permanent. I might also turn you into a brainwashed sissy whore who must be whored out and earn money for me, Miss Kay.