Call Miss Kay on Niteflirt to go on a Sissy Shopping Spree. We can go shopping online or you can go shopping live and have me, Miss Kay, on your cell phone, telling you exactly where to shop and what to buy. There might be some humiliation for you little sissy sluts who like to dress up in girlie girl clothes. So don’t expect to go out shopping in person looking like the man that you aren’t!!! Sissy shopping makes your little clittie get excited doesn’t it? So you know you want to go on a shopping spree and buy whatever Miss Kay tells you… a wig, make-up, jewelry, nail polish, lingerie, stockings, heels or platforms, girlie tops, skirts, dresses, tight jeans, perfume and more.

It’s time for you to become girlier and that means shopping like a girl. I, Miss Kay, as part of my sissy training program, can tell you some sissy girlie shopping secrets and favorite stores to shop at! And don’t forget shopping for me too, by clicking on something girlie on my Amazon Wish List or sending me a Victoria’s Secret eGift Card to my email at It will give you a thrill to give me something girlie too. Look for me on Niteflirt for sissy training and sissy make-up and hair tips and for a “just girls” sissy shopping spree. You know you crave being more feminine and girlie and I, Miss Kay, will show you the way to becoming the girl that you want to be!