As a Hypnodomme, I receive a lot of inquiries from my fans about how I produce my audio files, so here are the delicious details about my home recording studio. I have a room in my house designed especially to tap into my intuitive powers of hypnosis to generate my hypno files and record them. I have professional high end equipment and software on a dedicated computer for recording, mixing (if I mix a two track recording with music, as an example) and editing my hypno audio files as well as soundproofing to keep my hypno files beautifully clear.
Before I begin, I light several candles in my hypno recording studio to invoke the mood as well as enhance my powers. Then I sit close to the mic and let the magic begin. As the words flow from my lips, they are given life as if they were waiting for my voice to give them the very power and essence they need. As for my scripts, I create them from many ideas I have gathered such as from Niteflirt phone sessions, tv shows, movies, articles I have read and anywhere I can find something useful for my profession. Sometimes I induce my own trance like state around a specific theme and the scripts instantly enter my mind. Being a Hypnodomme brings pleasure to me and is very fulfilling which is why I have a special place in my home just to pursue and record my hypnosis audio files