Special announcement from Miss Kay! I am going back to school in January of next year to finish a degree in Psychology and I am very excited. I can’t wait to start my Psych classes. I will use all knowledge from my classes to delve deeper into the psyches of my hypno slaves and make you erotic hypnosis lovers experience an unparalleled journey deeper into hypnosis. I will utilize everything I learn from my courses to develop even more complex hypnosis audio files and to incorporate Jungian and other principles of psychology to hypnotize you during live Niteflirt erotic hypno phone sessions. I will penetrate your mind and deepen your fetishes, fantasies and desires. “Knowledge is power” is not just a cliche. You will feel the effects of my power and you will feel more powerless, completely taken.
I will make all new hypno seekers on Niteflirt and mp3 hypno file buyers become my mind slaves and you will enjoy pure bliss as I take your mind and deconstruct you and reprogram you through hypnosis. You will do as I command, answer any question I have truthfully and reveal all your deep, dark secrets. And with the power and knowledge I will gain from my psych studies, I will make you mine and mine only. So, my announcement may also be a warning. Most of you trance puppets crave going deeper and deeper. Be careful what you wish for. Your descent will begin soon. Your very mind, body and soul will be mine.