Using frequent hypnosis sessions to lose weight and to reinforce weight loss techniques isn’t a revolutionary weight loss regimen. However, my hypnosis weight loss techniques are very revolutionary! I will put you on a hypno induced diet of more masturbation! More masturbation to burn more calories and decrease stress and increase your testosterone thus enabling you to lose weight and keep it off. Starvation diets don’t work and masturbation denial only leads to frustration. Stop trying to curb your sexual appetite as well as your appetite for food. These are your most primitive drives, to eat and to have sex. You will make healthier eating choices and lose weight the more jerk off sex you have. But you must go into a hypnotic trance for all of these techniques to subliminally work for you!
You can burn a lot of calories if you edge and edge and masturbate for hours without cumming until I permit you to finally release! You need to get your heart rate up! I will keep you in trance and jacking for me until I think you have burned a sufficient number of calories for your masturbation workout. I am studying psychology and am not far from earning my degree. Hypnosis was first used by psychologists to treat patients with addictive habits like smoking. In some cases, a bad habit is replaced by a good habit, because this makes sense for your addicted brain. Let me take control of your brain through hypnosis and replace any bad habits you have with your new good habit of masturbating to lose weight!

With the success of my first Money Minions hypnosis file which left so many of my devoted minions begging for even more, I decided to make Money Minions into a compelling Financial Domination hypnosis trilogy. Each hypno file in the Money Minions series will progressively build on the previous Findom mp3, although the mesmerizing audio files can be listened to individually as well. This blog post debuts Money Minions 2 – a Femdom Erotic Hypnosis mp3 recording that will be pure ear candy for little pay piggies. Money Minions 2 is wicked and intense and features an incredible financial mindfucking that will leave you human ATMs melted down like molten metal. This file will feed your mind control Findomme fetish and will focus your financial servitude on me and me only as your exclusive Money Domme.
Money Minions 2 explores hardcore blackmail and ultimate ruination if you do not obey my absolute Money Domme demands. Make no mistake before you listen to this hypno mp3, I am a greedy bitch and I will take everything that I deserve. You will listen to Money Minions 2 and you will realize that you must make sacrifices to please me and that there will be consequences otherwise. I know Money Minions 2 will leave you breathless for more financial domination hypnosis. Money Minions 3 will be produced shortly in my home recording studio and will be even more brutal than Money Minions 2. However, you must listen to Money Minions 2 for the hypnotic financial reprogramming and reconditioning that you crave right now. This file is 50:00 mins long with binaural beats and a whisper track … $49.99