Everyone seems to be sleep deprived in today’s crazy world. Did you know that the prescription sleep drug market is a billion dollar market in the USA alone? Those who are leery about taking a prescription drug to fall asleep, because of possible side effects and drug dependency as negative consequences, look online for natural sleep remedies and solutions instead. This makes perfect sense. One of the reasons why Ambien is considered a sleep drug is because it’s classified as a hypnotic. One of the solutions for insomnia is hypnosis. So why take a drug, when you can get a hypnotic mental effect from hypnosis? What makes hypnosis unique as a sleep solution is that using hypnotic techniques or listening to hypno sleep files helps the insomniac listener engage in positive sleep behaviors. Falling asleep is realistically a mental sequence impacted by physical inputs. Hypnosis appeals to that mental sequence. Positive sleep behaviors make it even easier via repetition to fall asleep and stay asleep. I have developed a shorter sleep file for you to utilize when sleep eludes you. There are hypnotic sleep suggestions as well as a powerful trigger designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. My voice is very soothing and relaxing, so conducing to sleep mode. You should click to buy this hypnosis sleep file right now. You will be so glad you did.
You should also consider buying a custom sleep hypno mp3 tailored to your personal sleep needs. Give yourself the gift of sleep via hypnosis. Contact me at CallMissKay@yahoo.com for more info and for custom hypnosis mp3 rates. This file is 15:00 mins long with my sweet voice echoing in whisper track to help your sleep even deeper. I have also added Binaural Beats that stimulate and alpha/beta brain state. Enjoy this file. Sleep deep…You may purchase this file at http://Hypnotic-Mistress.com Nite Flirt
or on kink bomb http://www.kinkbomb.com/p/aural-sleeping-pill-by-miss-kay/159338

Men who have small penises suffer from the syndrome known as Small Dick Syndrome. I explore this syndrome in humiliating detail in my newest mp3 recording. I am a very popular Hypno Domme, known for my hypnosis mp3s. But I also record non-hypnosis files featuring Femdom, fetish and erotic themes. I developed this ear porn file specifically for your conscious mind, so you would understand exactly why this syndrome applies to you. Your small penis has shaped your entire life as a man and will continue to impact you in many ways. My Small Dick Syndrome recording will put you in your place and make you feel extreme humiliation.
You will be aroused by this humiliation, because it’s all part of the syndrome from which you suffer. You can’t sexually please women, so you seek other ways to try to impress women and try to appear to be manly. Fortunately, most women can see right through your desperation and find it laughable.
I also recorded this mp3, because I know many of you will not only buy this recording, but also will want to seek me out to discuss your Small DickSyndrome issues or call me on Niteflirt or SinfulCall for an SPH Phone Sex session live.
I also have recorded Small Penis hypno mp3s and other hypnosis mp3s if you find after listening to this recording that you need more humiliation! And I produce custom mp3s, both hypnosis and non-hypnosis. If you’re interested, please call me to discuss on Niteflirt or Kinkbomb or email me at CallMissKay@yahoo.com for my rates.

I know you fantasize about my used panties. You want to sniff them after I’ve been in the gym or at a boxing lesson. After a workout is when my panties are very sweaty and specially scented. You can’t control your panty cravings, but this is a good thing. Your desire for my panties is increasing from reading this titillating blog and it’s going to go even further. Now you want to sneak a used pair of my panties out of my hamper after I’ve been out to a club dancing, on a date. Whatever hot sex happened after that date, might be reflected in the crotch of my panties. You want that sticky pair of lacy bikini panties and you want to inhale from them deeply, even lick them, as you stroke your cock. I have so many different styles of panties, different colors and fabrics to turn you on.
I can tell you all about what’s in my panty drawer in detail. But I always need more panties. I should never have to buy any panties at all when I have so many admirers. You should be buying me more and more panties to wear, sending me Victoria’s Secret eGiftCards. Just knowing that I used your money to buy more bikini panties, little thongs, sexy cheekinis, Brazilian tanga style boyshorts and g-strings and that I will be getting these panties all sweaty or moist and sticky, will drive you wild. You can’t deny your panties fetish. Call live to confess this to me on Niteflirt or Sinful Call.