I know that a lot of men like to be watched by a Domme from afar as they do naughty, kinky things. Now you can be watched by your Spy Domme, Miss Kay. I am devising a Niteflirt PTV Game and Goodie Bag where I will peek on you via Skype while you have your Skype cam open. The game will feature varying levels of play depending on the amount you spend. The game will start with a modest $50 to purchase the game rules and regs to over $1,000 for me to watch you 20 days out of the month and give you assignments to do for me on and off camera.
Before this PTV and Goodie Bag is completed, if you are interested in having me spy on you, be in touch with me on Niteflirt email or email me at CallMissKay@yahoo.com. Here are a few Spy Domme examples: A sissy who wants to be spied wearing sissy slut outfits, a chastity slave who wants to be spied in locked chastity device, a hypno slave who wants me to observe deepening trance while listening to my hypnosis mp3s. If this appeals to you, then get in touch now for my Skype spycam feature.
There will be a $50 Tribute for the rules and regs. Then $50 per session plus Niteflirt per minute charges for you to be on Skype while I spy on you. You will be able to buy a package of 20 sessions for $1,000 (Niteflirt per minute charges will also apply.) If I find you are not adhering to my demands at home or in your office, examples — if you are not wearing your locked chastity device, not wearing your sissy panties or any other infraction — you will be severely fined. I am very serious about using my Spycam to ensure you are an obedient slave or submissive. Please note that if your spy needs are more complex than what I have briefly outlined here, I reserve the right to charge more! Get in touch now!