Miss Kay Sissy Training, Fetish and Fantasy Phone Sex

  • Miss Kay


As a Hypno Mistress I’m very adept at turning men into robots using mind control. Men don’t realize this is happening to them, because it happens one session, one audio file at a time. I am devious at implanting triggers and urging them in the sweetest way to use the mantras in whatever mp3 files they own of mine and only mine. Owning one of my hypno files is the gift that will keep on giving as you are compelled to listen to the files again and again and mindlessly brainwash yourself over and over. Mantras will play in your brain like lines from pop songs you hear that you just can’t squelch because they are so deeply embedded in your subconscious. This may already be happening to you if you are one of my live hypno callers or if you listen to my hypnosis mp3s repeatedly and you can’t even figure out why…

When you become a Mindless Hypno Bot, it will not be some momentous occasion, it will sneak up on you because it happens beneath your conscious awareness. You will find any or all of these to be true: 1) You will want to call me for more live erotic hypnosis 2) You will want to Tribute me more and more 3) You will want to buy more hypno audio files from me 4) You literally won’t be able to get me out of your mind!

If you want to become a Mindless Hypno Bot, now is the time! Call me on Niteflirt or I Want Phone. Buy my hypno files in my Niteflirt Goodies, I Want Clips store or my own mp3 store Hypnotic Mistress.

men become robots

It’s the new year, a new decade and time for you to renew your devotion to Master Kay! I am hereby presenting the Top 10 Ways to Show Your Devotion to Me! Do not disappoint me, do not dare! Keep this blog post bookmarked as it is the Top 10 Commandments that I have set forth for you to obey! These commandments are words to live by. If you have another resolution you wish to add, you may email me on Niteflirt or I Want Phone with a Tribute!

1. I must be more dedicated to Master Kay

2. I must show my dedication to Master Kay by calling more often

3. I must show my devotion to MK by sending Tributes more often

4. I must make more time to worship MK, she is my God and sole ruler over my world

5 I must buy more of Master Kay’s hypnosis and sexy mp3s and listen to them over and over

6. I must obey MK without question or resistance

7. The last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I awaken is Master Kay, I will even dream of MK, she rules my dreams

8. I will address Master Kay to honor her as a superior and deity – Master, Boss, Mistress, Miss

9. I will put Master Kay above everyone and everything in my life

10. I will ask myself every day and nite if I have done enough for MK and if I feel I have fallen short, I will do whatever it takes to rectify my shortcoming

Mistress Kay